Name: Navghare Akash Rustum
Program name: M.A.(Education) II year
Course: MAE:303:Governance and Management in Higher Education
Guided by: Mr. Mahesh Mali 

  • SCERT and NCERT both are same to function. NCERT work at central level and SCERT work at State Level Research Development Training Pre-service In-services Syllabus Textbook.

MSCERT is the apex institute of state.Its function is to provide academic support and improve the quality of primary education.It was established in 1964-65 as a State Institute of Education(SIE).It was upgraded and renamed as Maharashtra State Council of Educational Research and Training(MSCERT) in 1984. The director is the administrative head of MSCERT. In the heirarchial position immediately below him are the joint director for administration and the joint director for training. They are assisted by deputy director.

MSCERT works in the area of quality improvement in school education.It carries the responsibility of teacher education,research,and evaluation.It assist and advices the state government on educational matters and also undertake &promots educational research and uses the same for betterment of school education.The chief functions of MSCERT are:
1) Teacher training: MSCERT organises long term and short term in-service training programmes for teachers, teacher educators and for other functionaries in the field of school education.It also reviews ,restructures and develops curriculum for pre-service and in-service training programmes for primary teachers and other orientation programmes to be conducted for various functionaries.Apart from this, MSCERT is also responsible for developing teaching-learning materials for teachers and teacher-educators.
2) Curriculum development and implemention: Reviewing, restructuring and developing primary curriculum is primary is one of its prime functions.MSCERT also organises orientation programmes to create awareness about population education, women empowerment, human values and environment education.
3) Control over DIET: MSCERT exercises full academic control over the diets and monitor their progress.
4) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: MSCERT is one the partners sharing responsibility of conducting various programmes under the SSA. The major programmes related to SCERT are teacher education, research and evaluation, training on early childhood, education for girls and children of disadvantage classes.
The institute works in close co-ordination with other educational institutes like NCERT, NIEPA, MIEPA, NCTE, RIE, MSEC, Text Bureau etc.It's state level constituent institutes include State Institute of Science Education(SISE) Nagpur, State Institute of English for Maharashtra(SIEM) Aurangabad, State Institute of Audio Visual Education (SIAV) Pune, Educational Technology Cell (E.T CELL) Mumbai, State Institute of Vocational Guidance and Selection (SIVGS) Mumbai.

MSCERT works on teacher training, curriculum development and implementation, control over diet of school students and conducting the program like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

In a matter six days (from 27th April to 3rd May, 2015), the Maharashtra State Council for Educational Research and Training (MSCERT) under the Maharashtra Education Ministry used A-VIEW (Amrita Virtual Interactive E- Learning World) to train 35,000 school teachers at over 500 centers across Maharashtra. Shri N.K. Jarag, Director MSCERT, Pune, Maharashtra initiated this programme with the support of IIT-Bombay and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
The goal of this program was to orient 5th standard teachers from across Maharashtra state (government and aided schools) to the updated syllabus and offer training for the new areas as per the updates affected. One day was dedicated to each subject and the training was delivered by an expert in the subject area. This program harnessed the features of A-VIEW to transmit live online lectures and interactions to 500 centers. Apart from A-VIEW, EDU-SAT and VSAT technologies were also used during this training program and connected around 20 centers.
If this training session was rolled out using conventional means, the amount of time, money and resources required to train 35,000 teachers would be enormous. Scaling down the time and resources required, helped save lot of money and also resulted in maximizing the reach of training and eliminating the cascading model of training delivery. The effective collaboration between the A-VIEW team, IIT Bombay and MSCERT resulted in smooth planning and execution of this program. The A-VIEW software application was developed in-house by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and supported by the Ministry of HRD (NMEICT) program. Using A-view, IIT Bombay has been conducting several workshops and training programs including training 10,000 teachers simultaneously all over India.
Training 35,000 teachers in a week’s time, simultaneously, is likely to be a world record.The A-VEW team is currently verifying this with the concerned agencies. Irrespective of the records that happen or not, this is definitely a great first step towards modernizing teacher training and ensuring the training delivery process is all inclusive



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